Brady's January Pick Of The Month

January can be one of the most depressing months of the year. The weather is usually pretty terrible, people are getting sick, and some have spent a lot on unnecessary Santa Gifts. As Omicron increases and people are staying more locked up and in a bit of a slump. Here is a list of a few things that can help with the January blues. Opening those curtains to let the sunshine in. Instead of feeling like you are in a dungeon all day, just simply letting some light into your place can help. Open a window or go outside. The fresh outside air goes along way in changing your mood. Get in some exercise. Working out is a great way to make your body and mind feel better. If you are unable to go to a gym you can do body weight movements as well. Another thing that can help you is by treating your self. Set yourself a goal. The goal can be simple as finishing that book you haven’t opened in awhile or doing physical activity for 30 minutes 6 days a week. Etc. Which leads us into Brady’s Pick of the Month, the Hummer Hands-Free BJ machine.


VeDOs Hummer Hands-Free BJ Machine is truly a super-powered, pleasure-packed feat of engineering that lets you customize your perfect blowjob from beginning to end. Let’s get started by having a look at what’s included. First up is the Hummer’s power pack, a Saturday box with a simple on/off switch, 2 sets of function keys, and two connection points. One of those connection points is for an AC power adapter with lots of available cord. Plug it into a free wall socket and that’s it. No need to worry about batteries or recharging. The other connects to a long length of flexible tubing to the Hummers Stroker Sleeve. Coated in firmer, easy to grip silicone. The stroker sleeve is plushy soft and sexily clingy. The soft, stretchy, sleeve has a deep 5.5” insertable length. Attach the tubing to the back end of the sleeve, then connect the opposite end to the power box. Flip the switch to ‘On’, put on lots of your favorite water-based lube, and you are good to go. Position the sleeve over your shaft, pick a rhythm, sit back and enjoy the best blowjob simulation you’ve ever had. The Hummer sucks at 25 possible speeds and intensities using a totally unique pressure pulses that climb to as many as 109 sucks per minute. You’ll see two sets of function keys on the box, one controls 5 modes of intensity and the other controls the 5 speed levels. Use the keys to adjust the space between each suck and/or overall sucking speed. There’s also a very handy remote included.  Pass it off to a partner or keep it to yourself. Either way, someone is going to be the very lucky recipient of slow and steady slurps or a fast and furious ride to the finish.


Here is a couple reviews on the VeDO’s Hummer Hands-Free BJ Machine:

Absolutely in love! Buy lube as well, you’re going to need it! – Karan, Pink Cherry

Not going to lie, I'm a single guy. Bought this on a whim, didn't expect much (compared to costlier options.) Well, it certainly works. Does better than anticipated. – Brian, Amazon


A couple quick tips for the VeDO’s Hummer.

  • The Hummers sleeve should be cleaned well before and after use using a good toy cleaner.
  • The other pieces for the Hummer should also be carefully wiped down
  • DO NOT use the Hummer in or around water
  • Please keep lots of your favorite water base lube handy, not only will it feel amazing, but will also help the Hummer’s suction work its very best magic

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